Based on a person’s name and date of birth, you can check the validity of the person’s right to drive, driving licence category and professional qualifications.
The service includes the following information:
- valid right to drive
- driving licence category
- valid professional qualifications
- special condition 95 concerning professional qualification and its categories as marked on the driving licence
- driver qualification card and the categories of professional qualification
- driver card
- ADR certificate, its subtypes and categories of goods
- taxi driving licence
The service contains information on rights to drive and professional qualifications valid in Finland.
Information cannot be provided if the search criteria give results for multiple persons or if the person does not hold a valid right to drive. The disclosure of information may also be restricted. Such information will not be available in the service.
Preconditions for using the service
- My e-Services require identification with online bank identifiers, a mobile certificate or a certificate card.
Please note
- You can use the information included in the service to check that a person has the right to drive a certain vehicle. The information cannot be used illegally or for purposes that may compromise the personal privacy of individuals.
- The service is only available for private customers based on identification.
- The number of searches users can make is limited.