An international driving licence is an official translation of a national driving licence into one of the world’s major languages. If you intend to drive a motor vehicle outside the EU or EEA, you may need an international driving licence.
A national driving licence issued in Finland entitles you to drive in EU and EEA countries. In this case, you do not need an international driving licence.
If you drive outside the EU or EEA, it often makes sense to get an international driving licence.
An international driving licence is an official translation of a national driving licence into one of the world’s major languages. Make sure to also always carry your actual driving licence with you.
Traficom has authorised the Automobile and Touring Club of Finland to issue international driving licences in Finland.
When can you get an international driving licence?
You can obtain an international driving licence if
- you are at least 18 years old,
- you are a permanent resident in Finland and you have a valid driving licence issued in Finland or some other EU or EEA country, or
- you live in a non-EU or non-EEA country and you have a valid Finnish driving licence.
Applying for an international driving licence
You may apply for an international driving licence
- using the Automobile and Touring Club of Finland application that you can download from your smartphone’s app store,
- by post or
- at the Helsinki office of the Automobile and Touring Club of Finland.