Front Page: Traficom
Front Page: Traficom

Vehicle tax paid using My e-Services is immediately shown as paid. With other payment methods, it may take 1–3 business days for the payment status to update in Traficom's system.

Those liable to pay vehicle tax are responsible for ensuring that the tax is paid on time. Traficom always sets the tax for the tax period (12 months). However, you can choose to pay the tax in one, two or four instalments. You can check and pay your vehicle tax in My e-Services.

Do the following


Log in to My e-Services

After identification, select the service role: personal services or acting on behalf of a company/organisation.


You can pay the vehicle tax under Vehicles and taxation

Select Vehicle tax and services. Under Unpaid vehicle taxes, you can see a list of vehicles with unpaid vehicle tax. If the list is empty, you do not have any unpaid vehicle taxes.

Under Vehicle tax, you can find the taxes due and overdue.

If the vehicle has several unpaid taxes, each of them must be paid with a separate reference.

Click Make payment. 

Then select a payment method to pay the tax.


The payment has been successful when you reach the confirmation view.

You may print or save the confirmation if necessary. The confirmation is also saved in My Activities. 

If the vehicle has other unpaid taxes, you can pay them by pressing Go to open vehicle taxes.

Frequently asked questions about paying vehicle tax