As part of the N2000 fairway and nautical chart reform, the use of merchant shipping fairways has also been reformed and the planned fairway design draught is emphasised. The reform aims to improve the safety and efficiency of the use of fairways.
The most noticeable example of this is the change that has been made to nautical charts, where the maximum authorised draughts have been removed from the charts and only the safe clearance depths are shown for merchant shipping fairways. Fairway design draughts are described in more detail in the Nautical Publication Sailing Directions for Finnish waters.
The principles of channel depth of Finnish merchant shipping fairways are described in the Instruction Principles and application of channel depths in Finland. The use of fairways is based on their design draughts. It is recommended to use fairways according to their design draughts, but gross under keel clearance may be utilised if there is sufficient net under keel clearance.
If the fairway is to be used in a manner different from the design draught, the vessel must give notice of the use of the fairway. Instructions on Notice of channel use have been published for this.