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Front Page: Traficom

You will receive a vehicle tax bill, i.e. an invoice for vehicle tax, every year. The vehicle tax bill delivery methods available to personal customers are: e-invoice, electronic invoice in OmaPosti, Kivra or Messages, and paper invoice. Corporate customers can provide a separate invoicing address for the vehicle tax bill.

The delivery method for vehicle tax bills is selected according to the order of priority defined by the State Treasury:

  1. E-invoice
  2. OmaPosti
  3. Kivra 
  4. Messages
  5. Letter post


You can receive invoices in electronic format in your online bank. These are called e-invoices. The invoice contains all the required information, and all you need to do is check the invoice and confirm the payment. To receive e-invoices, you need to make an e-invoicing agreement in your online bank. 

To order e-invoices, you need your vehicle tax customer number. The customer number is marked on the vehicle tax bill, and you can check it from Traficom’s My e-Services under My details.

When ordering the e-invoice, please note that the vehicle tax bills for all the vehicles of the taxpayer specified in the vehicle tax bill will be sent to the online bank as an e-invoice. To make sure that you do not order another person’s vehicle tax bills to your online bank, review the taxpayer information carefully.

For more information about ordering e-invoices, please contact your own bank.


OmaPosti will send you a notification when you receive a vehicle tax bill, if you have activated notifications in the application. You can pay your vehicle taxes directly in the OmaPosti app. 

If you order an e-invoice, you will no longer receive your vehicle tax bill in OmaPosti.

Read more about OmaPosti (External link)


Kivra is a digital postal service that allows consumer customers to manage their documents in a single safe location (e.g., event tickets, invoices, certificates and decisions). 

Kivra notifies you when you receive a new tax bill either by email or on your phone if you are using the mobile application.

If you order an e-invoice, you will no longer receive your vehicle tax bill in Kivra.

Read more about Kivra (External link) Messages Messages is a secure way to interact with the public administration. Once you start using the service, you will receive your vehicle tax bills electronically in Messages.

Please note that once you activate Messages, all organisations using Messages will begin sending you regular messages and messages that require confirmation of receipt via the service. The messages may include decisions, invoices and appointment booking details, for example.

If you order an e-invoice or activate OmaPosti or Kivra, you will no longer receive your vehicle tax bill in Messages. 

Read more about Messages (External link)

Printed tax bill by letter post

The vehicle tax bill will be sent to the address you have provided in the Population Information System.

If you order an e-invoice or activate OmaPosti, Kivra or Messages, you will no longer receive your vehicle tax bill by letter post.

Frequently asked questions about vehicle tax bill delivery methods

Further information
